About Us

I’m Kyle Jones Creator of Prov 1:20. I’m a husband of 25 years and a father of six as well as a full-time rider share driver. Five years ago, I resigned from my sales position from a well-known company in North Carolina as the company grew there were changes made that I was not happy with so I decided to leave and become a ride share driver. The plan was to drive until I found another job but something unexpected happened. After a year and a half of driving I began to value my time and loved the fact that it was my decision when to start and stop working. Aware of the fact that I was one accident or break down away from being unemployed I decided to get sales job at another well-known company. As I was sitting in my training class a young lady from human resources came in and began to lay down the laws of the land and when she started to talk about the sick time, vacation time and MANDATORY overtime. It was then that I realized that they had more control over my time than I do. So back in the drivers seat I went only problem was that I had no idea what to do with my life. I knew that I did not want to work a 9 to 5 I also knew that I could not be a ride share driver for the rest of my life. So, I at 46 yrs. old I decided to hit the reset button and figure it out and for the first time I really began to think about my purpose on this earth. During that time, I remembered listening to a pastor that said “WHEN THE PURPOSE OF SOMETHING IS NOT KNOWN ABUSE IS INEVITABLE” I started thinking about the purpose for the roles that I play in life as a Husband, father, son, friend even as a human being. The pastor also said that the only way to know the purpose of a thing is to go back to the one that created it. So, I started on a journey of learning about the purpose for the roles that I play in this thing called life. The more I read and listened the more I began to get answers to questions that I never even thought to ask YET! After a while I began to think and see the world differently. Since I was a child, I use to always here the phrase “We were created in God’s image” it wasn’t until I became an adult that the real meaning of that phrase was revealed to me. God is the creator and I was created to create and use my creative ability to serve my fellow man. Which is why I decided to share the wisdom that I have learned by creating designs that are pleasing to the eye nurturing to the spirit as well as food for thought